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Thursday, October 06, 2005

being at home

I did'nt think I could be at home 24 by 7. Here I am barely moving from one room to another in 14 days. Sister-in-Law was right. 24 hrs is gripping .. I have been thru 12 episodes in 24 hours. I usually do'nt like this sort of racy stuff.. but this is different. Or maybe this is the only high energy thing around me right now.
Spoke to my cousin Ritzy after a long time. We are both working guilt ridden mothers with kids. Why do mothers feel so guilty when they work when their kids are little (well not really little). Most kids don't even notice.. well they do but I don't think they really mind. My theory is that an average kid learns to deal with the world on his own without the mother there to mollycoddle him or smother him with 'love and affection'. Indians have this thing about bringing up their kids. The more you look after them the better you are bringing them up. Most Indian kids are a by product of their parent's indulgence. Everybody has a say in what the poor kid should wear, which school he should go to, what profession he should pursue and even in this day and age who he should spend the rest of his life with and how?!!- every body but the kid himself.
Well I introspected a little bit on me and my son. Spend a litttle more time than I nomarlly get to on an average work day. I read a lot on parenting.. things to do with kids blah blah blah. The one book that has helped me to get thru not just to my son but also my husband is " How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk" by adele faber and elaine mazlish.strongly recomended reading.

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