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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

education in the blogosphere

My sister taught me to add links to my blogs 3 hours back. I have been at it since then surfing the blogosphere looking for interesting links for my site.
I now have a blogger from china, a professional photographer, a michelin star chef, a blogger from NYC and a young college student from Iraq all linked to my blog.
I suddenly feel so alive.All those things I read about in newspapers and magazines- the government stiffling the voice of the blogger community in China, the repression of women by regimes of the certain middle eastern countries, Iraq .Till now this was all news which seemed far away and surreal-was'nt a part of my world.
In the past two hours I have read a first hand account of the situation in Iraq both by soldiers serving there as well as the citizens of Iraq, the chinese government's repressive policies on blogs : stuff you will never read about in a newspaper, news magazine or see/hear on TV.It is so doctored!
I feel overwhelmed by the power of Internet.

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