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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

free, free falling...

I feel as if I have hit the rock bottom. I don't know what is going to help me lift my spirits. My passport is going for visa processing tommorow. Even this has failed to lift my spirits.
My state of being somehow seems like a huge compromise. I know I have made choices.. but one does have the right to feel upset with those choices. I was happy with all this till a few weeks ago. And then in the last week I realized what would have happened if I had'nt made the choices that I did.
A as usual is hardly empathetic. You can be empathetic if you try and understand the other person. I don't think he has ever made the effort to do that for me or anyone else.
I also need some mind, body and soul therapy.
I have this feeling of emptiness , I feel as if I am in a free fall in this emptiness, the light seems to have gone out and it is pitch dark. I feel no pain. I have hurt so much that I feel numb. I don't feel like crying wailing or talking. I feel weightless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

get a hold on yourself...remember scarlet'o'hara's 'tomorrow is another day"...