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Monday, November 22, 2010

in conversation with a little tyke

Disclaimer: This blog is not meant to be read by anybody below 16 years of age, actually this post, the rest is Ok.

JB : mamma, who is Doctor Spock (has been reading James Herriot,apparently it was mentioned in one of his books)

Me: a well known paediatrician who wrote a book on handling young kids which mothers swear by even today. I had a copy, which I gave away after you grew up, and when baba and me decided we won't have a another little JB.

JB: Oh! so you started taking Ipills then ?

WTF.... he claims he saw an Ipill ad on the Disney channel (parents watchout!)..... jeez! how much more does he know?


meetu said...

oh and i remember having to explain the 'choose life' ad to abu.

kiwiandkitsch said...

which choose life ad.. stem cells ?

There is no explaining here, as you can see, he is simply assuming he knows everything,so i am kind of alarmed at what 'everything' is.