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Thursday, November 05, 2009

happy to be back

hey I'm back.. what I have been upto these days, well working, keeping the house , socializing but god ! I missed blogging. gettting addicted to facebook and linked in.I have a love hate relationship with my virtual social life.

As for now, I am back at the gym for the umpteenth time, a bigger better and more encouraging one... and a much more motivated me!

My MBA registration is finally happening in the next couple of weeks.

Work.. have moved up the rung and learnt soo soo much in the last one year. Going strong and looking forward for more

My folks.. have been good, dad's finally found something meaningful to do here. had some great times with them this week

entertainment.. brothers and sisters.. I'm hooked :) planning to finally complete my promise to dada about the NFAI membership this week

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For a moment I thought I was the entertainment. Lol!