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Sunday, August 03, 2008

lions for lambs

Lions for Lambs finished abruptly.. just when things seemed to be warming up.
A college professor inspiring a gufted student to do ore meanigful things with his life. Two of his former students in Afghanistan battling for their lives in the battlefront, a probing reporter talking to a senator, inching his way to the white house, about a new military initiative launched in Afghanistan.
Merly Streep, Robert Redford and Tom Cruise.. the movie can't be bad I though when I saw it at the DVD rental store.
A thought provoking movie after a really long spell of crappy song and dance hindi movies I had been watching for a while
Lambs.. military strategist who have never faced the battlefront, planning wars from their air conditioned offices miles away, lions.. the brave and the courageous men, inspiring and driven who actually fight driven by their idealism.

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